In celebration of human-centered software development
OH!2023 is a single track conference for people who are interested in helping humanity thrive by supporting the well-being, information sharing and democracy in software development and beyond.


Janne Kalliola
IT Greenhouse Gas Emissions Are Exploding – How Developer Community Should Engage and Contribute Their Part
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Jugend Hall, Glo Hotel Art
The conference will be held in the heart of Helsinki at Glo Hotel Art. This stone castle with thousands of details is one of Helsinki's most beloved art nouveau buildings.
Organized by Helsinki Ruby
Helsinki Ruby ry is a non-profit organisation that aims to promote Ruby
and software engineering in general in Helsinki, Finland, and beyond. Previously we were responsible for
Euruko 2022, in Helsinki.
Matias Korhonen
I'm a senior software engineer at Venuu working with Rails and other tech.
Simo Virtanen
I'm a designer, a humane tech enthusiast, and co-founder at Sakeus, a digital design company.